

Fund Description:


We are pleased to report that the HEIA board-funded private security pilot appears to be effective in interrupting the crime wave that has been terrorizing our neighborhood.  The board believes it is vital that we extend the security pilot for three months through January 18, 2024.  To extend it, we need the financial support of the entire neighborhood. We need to raise $30,000 to fund patrols for three additional months.  To maintain security patrols, we are asking every household to contribute a baseline amount of $500.  If you can give more, please do, as we will use extra funds to extend the program for a longer period. If you can afford less, please invest what you can. All contributions will help us increase patrol hours in our neighborhood and are greatly appreciated. 


If paying online, please enter your contribution amount above. We kindly ask that you consider increasing your donation amount by 3% to cover our payment processing fees. You may also pay by check to avoid any processing fees. To pay by check, mail or drop a check made out to HEIA in our mailbox in front of the Firehouse at 13152 Skyline Blvd., Oakland, CA 94619


Act Now to Prioritize Your Safety!