About HEIA


Mailing Address:
13152 Skyline Blvd.
Oakland Ca.  94619

Email the HEIA BOARD

We are an all-volunteer board so please be patient if it takes a day or two to receive a reply.

For inquiries on membership, please email our Membership Chair

For questions about hillcrestestates.org email our Website team


Our boundaries

The Hillcrest Estates Improvement Association (HEIA) is a neighborhood homeowners' association comprising 254 properties near Skyline Blvd in Oakland, California, between Redwood Road down to about 1/2 mile after Hansom Drive.

Our purpose

To advance and improve the civic and social welfare of the community of Oakland, California with particular emphasis and interest directed towards those ends as they relate to the improvement and protection of property interests in Hillcrest Estates.

Staying in touch

Communication with our members is HEIA's top priority. We pay attention to your issues and ideas, and care about addressing your concerns. 

  • InquiriesEmail the board with your questions, concerns and issues.   We are an all-volunteer board so please be patient if it takes a day or two to receive a reply. 
  • Email. We email updates to our members throughout the year. Please include an email when you register as a member or email the board with your email and we will add it for you.
  • USPS mail to residents.  We mail a newsletter (with ballots) to members only once a year, in advance of our Annual Meeting. 
  • Annual meeting. HEIA holds its annual meeting of members in the spring every year. We invite speakers on topics of interest to our neighborhood and elect new board members to represent their portion of our diverse and unique area. Watch our calendar for the date and location of the next meeting.
  • Community events. Getting to know one another so we can work together more effectively is a high priority in our community. Watch our calendar for the date and location of community events. 


Key HEIA documents